Open Science Day 2024

Dienstag, 24. September 2024
11 bis 16 Uhr

Schloss Schneckenhof

Veranstaltet von
UB Mannheim

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Prof. Henning Hillmann, Dr. Annette Klein, Dr. David Philip Morgan, Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs, Dr. Marcus Kessel und andere

We are pleased to announce that the 6th annual Mannheim Open Science Day on the September 24th, 2024. The Open Science Day is a fantastic opportunity to showcase, share and discuss the diverse array of Open Science activities and experiences taking place at the University of Mannheim and beyond.

This year our Open Science Day will feature Best Practices in Open Science from researchers at the University of Mannheim including Open Science implementations in Economic History, Software Engineering and the value of connecting research with society. Additionally, we will also feature lightning talks from our newest Open Science Grant 2024 awardees and national efforts to improve Open Science and reproducibility from members of ther German Reproducibility Network.

All members and researchers of the University of Mannheim and beyond are invited to join our Open Science Day.

Venue: Hybrid at FUCHS-Festsaal (O138), Schloss Schneckenhof, University of Mannheim and via Zoom
Date: 24 September, 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Contact: Dr. David Philip MorganDr. Philipp Zumstein

Registration:  on site & online