Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung | Festveranstaltung

Festvortrag: Elevator Pitch. Gratitude for Infrastructure, and Beyond

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2022
18 bis 20 Uhr

Konzilgebäude Konstanz, Hafenstraße 2

Veranstaltet von
Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung + Forschungsinitiative "Rethinking Infrastructure: Cultural Perspectives"

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Prof. Bruce Robbins, Columbia University, New York


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Keynote im Rahmen der Eröffnungskonferenz des ZKF


Opening remarks
Christina Wald (Centre for Cultural Inquiry / ZKF)
Kirsten Mahlke + Daniel König (Research Initiative Rethinking Infrastructure: Cultural Perspectives)

Elevator Pitch. Gratitude for Infrastructure, and Beyond
Bruce Robbins (Columbia University, New York)
followed by discussion and reception

Moderator: Timo Müller (University of Konstanz)

The imagined destruction of existing infrastructure, as in elevator accidents and the end-of-the-world scenarios of disaster films, always expresses a desire. But it often also invites gratitude for the infrastructure whose loss we are witnessing. The neoliberal privatization of public goods, which pushes toward radical individualism and sometimes even survivalism, is an argument in favor of the invitation to be grateful for what we have. But to be content with gratitude would mean accepting an impoverished, lukewarm sense of the public and the possibilities of the public good. At its best, as in Colson Whitehead and Kazuo Ishiguro, infrastructural fiction stretches that sense of the public.