Grenzgänger Wissenschaft: Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheit - Auftakt der dritten Runde des Wissenschafts-Talk „Grenzgänger Wissenschaft“ am 29. Januar 2019. Blick auf die Vortragenden
Grenzgänger Wissenschaft: Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheit - Auftakt der dritten Runde des Wissenschafts-Talk „Grenzgänger Wissenschaft“ am 29. Januar 2019. Copyright: Yvonne Martin

Podium discussions

Here you will find a small selection of the podium discussions - take a look! (discussions are in German)

Britta Renner as an expert at the expert discussion of the Committee on Food and Agriculture on 13 May 2024

The Committee on Food and Agriculture of the German Bundestag held a public expert discussion on the recommendation "Free lunch for all children" of the citizens' report "Nutrition in transition: Between private matters and state tasks". Britta Renner took part in the expert discussion in her role as a member of the Citizens' Council's Scientific Advisory Board.

Britta Renner as a guest on “scobel” on 25.04.2024

Britta Renner bei der Sendung "scobel" zusammen mit Moderator Gert Scobel und den beiden anderen Gästen Andreas Michalsen und Martin Rücker ©Sirch/ privat
Britta Renner bei der Sendung "scobel" zusammen mit Moderator Gert Scobel und den beiden anderen Gästen Andreas Michalsen und Martin Rücker ©Sirch/ privat

Broadcast date First broadcast: 3sat 25.04.2024 21:00 - 22:00

ZDF press release for the program:

"What can be done in the future to prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle with good food at an early stage?"

Gert Scobel addresses this and other questions about nutrition with his guests in the program SCOBEL: Kulturkampf ums Essen.

Good cuisine reflects culture, identity and social trends. Our food creates identity. Changing the diet of societies is a task that spans generations.

We often eat what is not good for us. Instead of fruit and nuts, we reach for potato chips and chocolate. And too much of everything: too much sugar, too much meat, too much fat. We are often not even aware of why we eat what and how much.

Our eating habits are influenced by a variety of different factors without us even realizing it. But our minds are willing: the 2023 Nutrition Report shows that around 90 percent of people want to eat healthily. Over 70 percent attach importance to their food being produced in an environmentally and climate-friendly way.

This is why the German Bundestag citizens' council ‘Ernährung im Wandel’ ('Nutrition in Transition: Between Private Affairs and State Responsibilities') has given intensive thought to the future of nutrition and developed concrete proposals - from free lunches for all children and conscious shopping made easy to animal welfare. One important point in particular is communal catering in hospitals, rehabilitation, retirement and care facilities, which should focus on healthy, balanced food instead of pre-packaged, cheap products. What can be done politically in the future to prevent illness and promote a healthy lifestyle at an early stage?

How can we make healthy food appealing to children? Why is it important for KITA children to know what they are eating in a society of abundance in which we are used to getting everything we are used to at any time?

Gert Scobel discusses this with his guests in the program "Kulturkampf ums Essen" on 25 April 2024 at 21:00 on the 3sat program.

Dialogue forum on the German Bundestag citizens' council ‘Ernährung im Wandel’ ('Nutrition in Transition: Between Private Affairs and State Responsibilities') on 22.02.2024

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Podium discussion at the conference of the Alliance 90/The Greens parliamentary group: Eating better - healthy for people and planet on 12.05.2023

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ZEIT DOCTOR Sprechstunde - My health = My decision? on 09.11.2022

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Scientific talk "Grenzgänger Wissenschaft": Sustainability and health on 29.01.2019

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Comments on the impulse paper "Promotion of plant-based diets: Analysis of factors influencing behavior and identification of starting points for policy design options“

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Interdisciplinary podium discussion: "What we know - discourses and orientation in the corona pandemic"

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From the development of vaccines and the significance of corona measures for the rule of law to the question of who is skeptical about which containment measures and why: In the online panel discussion "What we know - discourses and orientation in the corona pandemic", an interdisciplinary panel of academics from the University of Konstanz will offer research perspectives on the current corona situation.

Discussing (in seating order, from left to right):

  • Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt (Contemporary History)
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl (Microsociology)
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Bürkle (Molecular Toxicology and Physician)
  •  Junior Professor Dr. Sebastian Koos (Head of the Corporate Social Responsibility working group at the University of Konstanz, moderator of the podium discussion)
  • Dr. Karoline Villinger (Psychological Assessment and Health Psychology)
  • Prof. Dr. Marten Breuer (Public Law with focus on International Law)

Moderation: Junior Professor Dr. Sebastian Koos