Gerstenfeld ©KBCH Pixabay
Gerstenfeld ©KBCH Pixabay

Expert committees

Through involvement in scientific committees and think tanks, well-founded research results reach multipliers.

Nutrition is an important topic for many people and the way we eat not only has an impact on our individual health but also on the environment, climate and animal welfare. The social challenges we currently face in terms of nutritional behavior are huge. Through her involvement in scientific advisory boards of various organizations, Britta Renner is strongly committed to the transfer of knowledge into practice and would like to contribute to the formation of well-founded opinions with facts from research.

Examples of this commitment include

  • The German Nutrition Society (DGE): Vice President of the Scientific Executive Committee
  • The German Nutrition Society (DGE): Personalized Nutrition Working Group
  • Agora Agriculture think tank: Member of the scientific advisory board
  • The German Committee Future Earth (DKN): Member of this scientific advisory body of the German Research Foundation (DFG), in particular participation in the working group on meat alternatives for a nutritional turnaround - "Starting the exit?!"