Situational optimism, pessimism and realism for relationship-related situations


The questionnaire on situation-specific optimism, pessimism and realism for relationship-related situations was developed by Weber et al. (2007). There are separate scales for uncontrollable (PRO-BU) and controllable (PRO-BK) situations. The PRO-BU has 35 items, while the PRO-BK consists of 43 items. Both scales have a 7-point scale ranging from "not at all typical" to "very typical".


When using the questionnaire on situation-specific optimism, pessimism and realism for relationship-related situations, the correct citation is:

Weber, H., Vollmann, M., & Renner, B. (2007). The spirited, the observant, and the disheartened: Social concepts of optimism, realism, and pessimism. Journal of Personality, 75(1), 169-197.


  • Optimism, pessimism and realism in an uncontrollable relationship situation (German version) - PRO-BU
  • Optimism, pessimism and realism in a controllable relationship situation (German version) - PRO-BK

Publication and use of the questionnaire on situation-specific optimism, pessimism and realism for relationship-related situations:

  • Vollmann, M., Renner, B., Matiba, K., & Weber, H. (2007). Unterschiedliche Wertschätzung, aber gleiche Unterstützungsbereitschaft: Soziale Reaktionen auf Optimisten, Pessimisten und Realisten aus der Geberperspektive. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 15(4), 168-176.