Teilnehmende im Verhaltensbeobachtungslabor ©Elisabeth Böker
Teilnehmende im Verhaltensbeobachtungslabor ©Elisabeth Böker


What do the climate crisis and the mobility transition have to do with health psychology? Quite simply: behaviour and perception are also central here.

How we eat and travel is subject to numerous influences, requires us to make a variety of decisions every day and has a direct impact on our quality of life as well as on environmental, climate and animal protection and our social life.

In our interdisciplinary research projects, we investigate nutrition and mobility from a health psychology perspective, using a broad mix of methods that enable us, among other things, to measure behaviour in real life in an ecologically valid way.

The issues addressed by our projects are highly relevant to application. For example, the SMARTACT project combines basic psychological research into health behaviour with the development of interventions to change behaviour. In addition to the research line on the long-term improvement of health behaviour, we are investigating social influences on our eating behaviour with our "Collective Appetite" project in the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour.

With the "Why we move how we move" project at the Baden-Württemberg Institute for Sustainable Mobility (BWIM), we bring a psychological perspective to the development of concepts for sustainable mobility.

We provide researchers with various questionnaires and measuring instruments. Psychology students and employees of the Department of Psychology at the University of Konstanz can also borrow more than 900 test procedures from the Testothek.