Julia Elisa Koller

[Translate to Englisch:] Bild von Julia Elisa Koller
Julia Koller ©Inka Reiter

"Pandemic, climate crisis - how do people perceive these crises and how do they respond individually and collectively? I try to find data-based answers to central questions in society. Besides that, I live out my enthusiasm for R and multilevel models."

Professional activity

  • since 01/2020 Academic staff member, doctoral candidate
    Working Group Psychological Assessment & Health Psychology, University of Konstanz
  • 03/2017 - 12/2019 Student assistant
    Working Group Psychological Assessment & Health Psychology, University of Konstanz
  • 02/2016 - 02/2017 Intern
    Working Group Psychological Assessment & Health Psychology, University of Konstanz
  • 12/2014 - 07/2016 Student assistant
    Working Group Biological Work and Health Psychology, University of Konstanz


  • 12/2019 Master of Science in Psychology, University of Konstanz
  • 09/2018 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Konstanz
  • 06/2013 General higher education entrance qualification, Werner Heisenberg Gymnasium Weinheim

Research projects

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo des Projektes EUCLID
[Translate to Englisch:] Logo des Projektes EUCLID

EUCLID - Project: The project investigated risk perception, protective behaviour and future expectations in numerous countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour (CASCB) at the University of Konstanz.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo der Konstanzer Life-Studie, zeigt stilisierte Ansicht des Konstanzer Münster und Icons zur Gesundheit
[Translate to Englisch:] Logo der Konstanzer Life-Studie

Konstanz Life-Study: Prospective cohort study in which citizens of Constance are repeatedly examined in order to observe changes in nutrition, fitness and health over a longer period of time.
Sub-project of the SMARTACT project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Memberships in professional organisations

Positions in professional organisations


  • 09/2019 Conference grant, 'Risk Governance and the Role of Science and Humanities' (workshop) and 'Crossing Boundaries in Science 2019' (conference), Potsdam. Funded by the National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)

Publication list

  • Article
  • Book
  • Dissertation
  • Thesis
  • Proceedings
  • Other
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  • Environmental Health Psychology
  • Ecological Momentary Assessment - Capturing Health in Real-Life
  • Questionnaire Design for the Assessment of Health-Related Attitudes and Behaviors
  • Psychology during pandemics
  • Assessment of Personality and Intelligence
Year Supervised theses Supervision together with
2024 Fiona Frank (2024). Don't worry, be happy? Investigating the relationship between social support and disease risk perception (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz. Prof. Dr. Britta Renner
2024 Franz Schmider (2024). Was bringt die Zukunft? Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lebenszufriedenheit und Optimismus in der Konstanzer Life-Studie (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz. Prof. Dr. Britta Renner

Sophie Schroetter (2023). What puts us at risk for diabetes? An investigation of factors influencing the perceived risk of diabetes (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz.

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner

Johanna Gelz (2023). How accurately do we perceive our personal risk? A longitudinal investigation of relative and adaptive accuracy in response to personalized risk feedback (unpublished master thesis). University of Konstanz.

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner

Lisa-Helen Kiesecker (2023). Face the Food Waste: Investigating the Role of Social Presence in Plate Leftovers in Daily Life (unpublished master thesis). University of Konstanz.

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner

Emma Erhard (2022). Optimism in the face of a pandemic: Comparing perceived consequences of Covid-19 using data from an online survey (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz.

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner

Marie Sevcikova (2022). Work-Life-Balance während der COVID-19 Pandemie: Eine Online-Umfrage im Landratsamt Konstanz (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz.

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner

Lisa-Helen Kiesecker (2021). Predicting COVID-19 risk perception in the United Kingdom and Poland: Comparing country-related risk indicators and containment measures between two longitudinal samples (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz.

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner
2021 Magdalena Huber (2021). Risk perception during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal comparison between a German and Italian sample (unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Konstanz. Prof. Dr. Britta Renner, Dr. Karoline Villinger