Collective Appetite Illustration: studio animanova // Christoph J Kellner (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Collective Appetite Illustration: studio animanova // Christoph J Kellner (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Follow-up to the event Exzellent gefragt!

On July 18, 2024, scientists from the two Clusters of Excellence in Constance answered questions from the interested public at the Port of Constance. Dr. Christophe Bousquet and Jana Straßheim presented the “Collective Appetite” project at the event.

“When we think of food, we often think first of nutrition, nutrients or our health. But food is so much more. Above all, it is a moment that brings people together, brings them to the table and into conversation,” explains PhD student Jana Straßheim. As part of the team from the Psychological Assessment and Health Psychology working group at the Cluster of Excellence “Collective Behavior”, she is researching the influence that eating together has on our relationships, our behavior and our experiences.

A total of ten research teams were on hand in front of the Spiegelhalle at the port of Constance to present their research work to the interested public and answer questions. To give interested parties an overview of the topics, the Clusters of Excellence hired an artist to illustrate the scientifically complex content on posters and make it tangible.

"Exzellent gefragt! Your Questions for the cutting-edge research " is an event organized by the two Clusters of Excellence "Collective Behavior" and "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz. The citizen dialogue is supported by forum.konstanz. The Cluster of Excellence "Collective Behaviour" is a world-leading top research center for the study of swarm behaviour. The Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" investigates the political causes and consequences of inequality from an interdisciplinary perspective. forum.konstanz is a key project in the overall strategy "University of Konstanz – creative.together," which brings together people and ideas, top-level research and society. The planned new building project forum.konstanz will provide space for encounters between the university and society starting from 2030. This event is funded by forum.konstanz

Contribution on the event in Regio TV (in German):

Forschenden Löcher in den Bauch fragen - Exzellent gefragt in Konstanz (23.7.2024)

Impressions of the event: