Welcome to the Department of Psychology at the University of Konstanz

The Department of Psychology is one of the most research-active and successful psychology departments within German universities. The focus of the department meets the future challenges of basic research and teaching and thus contributes to the growing importance of the neurosciences and social sciences for society.

Discover, explore and study

Once you get your higher education entrance qualification, the sky is the limit. Whatever your plans may be, the University of Konstanz will help you along the way. Find out more about studying in Konstanz at a German University of Excellence by visiting uni.kn/before-you-study.

"Sag's uns!" - Studierendenbefragung

Link zur Website: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/qualitaetsmanagement/aktuelles/aktuelles/gestartet-sags-uns-und-umfrage-zum-lehrpreis-luks/

"Sag's uns!" - Studierendenbefragung

Die Konstanzer Studierendenbefragung „Sag’s uns!“und die Umfrage zum Lehrpreis LUKS ist in Kooperatin mit der StuVe gestartet, am 1. Juni werden Teilnahme-Links per Email verschickt. Das studentische Feedback zu den Studienbedingungen fließt unter anderem in die Akkreditierungsverfahren und Monitoringberichte ein.

Link zur Website:



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