[Translate to Englisch:] verschiedene Gemüse von oben, auch angerichtet als Bowl
[Translate to Englisch:] verschiedene Gemüse von oben, auch angerichtet als Bowl

SMARTACT named in the new nutrition strategy

We are delighted that the SMARTACT project has been named as a digital model project in the national nutrition strategy.

The “Good Food for Germany” nutrition strategy presented by Federal Minister Özdemir was adopted by the cabinet on 17.01.2024. SMARTACT is mentioned on page 53:

(8) Promote digital model projects

Digitalization also plays an important role in the prevention of diseases in the context of nutrition.
also in the context of nutrition. For example, apps or web applications can be used as new
can be used to impart knowledge and learn specific health-promoting behaviors.
beneficial behaviors can be learned. When supporting and promoting digital applications
applications, a special focus should be placed on innovative digital concepts for health
health care in the areas of nutrition and exercise.

The SMARTACT research network, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has laid important foundations for the use of digital
applications, for example with regard to technical requirements or reaching target groups.