University of Murcia – Psychology research profile

Research areas in Psychology @ the University of Murcia:

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Developmental and Educational Psychology

Early Care

Research in Early Care:

  • Developmental disorders
  • Psychopathology in adolescence
  • Psychology and special educational needs
  • Educational styles and psychological adjustment
  • Bonding / attachment development
  • Prenatal environment
  • Distinction between physical and social goals
  • Inhibition & promotion of child development and early care

Evolutionary Psychology

Research in Evolutionary Psychology:

  • Psychosocial aspects of adolescence
  • Cognitive and social development
  • Behavioural problems at school
  • Behavioural and psychophysiological traits of temper in childhood

Education, Values, Addictions and Health

Research in Education, Values, Addictions and Health:

  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity
  • Psychological, educational and social intervention and guidance
  • Health promotion and prevention of addictions

Educational Psychology and Didactics of Language, Literature and the Arts

Interdisciplinary research in Educational Psychology and Didactics of Language, Literature and the Arts:

  • Communicative competence and reading comprehension: psychoeducational variables
  • Artistic expression, image and visual language
  • Teaching innovation in artistic interdisciplinary methodologies
  • Improving socioemotional and motivational competences in the teaching-learning processes
  • Creative thinking and verbal creativity
  • Critical thinking and didactics of argumentation

Basic Psychology and Methodology

Basic Psychology

Research in Basic Psychology:

  • Human learning and evaluation conditioning
  • Emotion, cognition and health
  • Ergonomics of cognition
  • Visual information processing and selective inefficiency
  • Basic psychological processes and aging

Social Psychology

Research lines in Social Psychology:

  • Behaviour, cohabitation and school violence
  • Workplace well-being and violence in the health care setting
  • Psychosocial factors, emotional well-being and academic performance
  • Psychology of testimony
  • Gender violence

Applied Social Psychology

Research in Applied Social Psychology:

  • Social psychology of gender
  • Intergroup relations and prejudice
  • Social change and values

Cognitive Science

Research in Cognitive Science:

  • Structure and functioning of the mental dictionary
  • Normative stimulus studies for psychological experimentation
  • Assessment of reading ability
  • Philosophy of vegetative neurobioilogy
  • Memory and aging: age-related memory loss
  • Connectionist models of linguistic processing
  • Cognitive neuropsychology of language
  • Order of information acquisition and cognition

Sport Psychology

Research in Sport Psychology:

  • Physical activity and health
  • Burnout in sports
  • Optimism and sport
  • Psychology and sports injuries