Training days on the topic of multilingualism

28. - 29. June 2024
10:00 - 13:00

University of Konstanz (Room G 309)

Associazione Docenti di Italiano in Germania, Sprachlehrinstitut Konstanz

Elisabetta Bonvino, Diego Cortés Velásquez (Università Roma Tre)

ADI e.V. (Associazione Docenti di Italiano in Germania) organises two training days on multilingualism in cooperation with the Language Teaching Institute (Sprachlehrinstitut) at the University of Konstanz:

Strumenti e pratiche per promuovere l’educazione plurilingue
Outils et pratiques pour promouvoir l’éducation plurilingue
Herramientas y prácticas para fomentar la educación plurilingüe 

The two-day training course on intercomprehension between Romance languages - and thus on promoting multilingualism - comprises a plenary lecture and three workshops. The speakers' working languages will alternate between French, Italian and Spanish. Portuguese and Catalan speakers will have the opportunity to speak in their native languages. The event will therefore provide an opportunity not only to practise, reflect on and discuss intercomprehension, but also to actively experience it.

The event is open to anyone who teaches Romance languages.

Details on the programme and information on registration (registration deadline: Monday, 21 June 2024) can be found here.