CASCB talk: Understanding collective migrations: From individual movements to migratory culture by Dr. Andrea Flack

Monday, 13. December 2021
11:45 - 12:45

ZT 702 and Online


Dr. Andrea Flack, Universität Konstanz/CASCB

This event is part of an event series „CASCB Seminar Series Winter 2021/22“.

Lecture cancelled!!!

Social interactions are likely to be important in animal migrations but studying social influences during migratory behavior remains a challenge. My research uses the white stork as a model system for studying different aspects of collective migrations in the field. To do this, I study migratory decisions over short and long time scales to understand the effect of the environment, learning, and social interactions on the underlying patterns of movement. I also perform different behavioral experiments in the field to disentangle the relative contribution of innate, learned, and social factors on the migratory behavior of storks.

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