OS Partielle Differentialgleichungen - Boundary conditions for first-order hyperbolic relaxation systems

Thursday, 18. April 2024
15:15 - 16:45


Oberseminar Partielle Differentialgleichungen

Dr. Yizhou Zhou

Zusammenfassung: The first-order hyperbolic relaxation system is a class of time-dependent partial differential equations which model various non-equilibrium phenomena. For such systems, the main interest is to understand the zero relaxation limit. The initial-value problem for the relaxation system has been well-developed and a systematical framework has been built. However, the initial-boundary value problem of the relaxation system is still in the developing stage. In this talk, I will introduce the theory of boundary conditions for general relaxation systems. Under a so-called generalized Kreiss condition, well-posed boundary conditions for the corresponding equilibrium system can be derived by resorting to the asymptotic analysis with boundary-layers. Particularly, the results can be extended to the case with characteristic boundaries. Moreover, applications of this theory in different problems will be presented. 

Eingeladen von Heinrich Freistühler.