[Translate to Englisch:] Bild zeigt Hand, die auf Laptop-Tastatur schreibt
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Bachelor's and Master's Theses

As part of our research projects, we offer topics for theses every semester.

Would you like to write your thesis in the field of General and Biological Psychology? If so, please contact us by email at harald.schupp@uni-konstanz.de.

We look forward to receiving your email with the following information:

  • Are you looking to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis?
  • When would you like to register for your thesis? Please specify the semester.
  • Are you generally interested in all of our research topics, or would you like to focus on a specific topic or area? You can find more detailed information about our research and projects here.

We collect inquiries on an ongoing basis and will get back to you when we plan our supervisory capacities. In the meantime, all interested individuals will be placed on a waiting list. Please reach out to us early if you're interested.

Also, please take note of the general information regarding Bachelor's and Master's theses from the Department of Psychology.