Innenhof und Ausblick auf die Mainau
Innenhof und Ausblick auf die Mainau

Welcome to the Research Group for General and Biological Psychology

Our research

You want to become part of neuroscience? Participate in our exciting EEG and fMRI studies.

You can find our current studies at Sona.

Hands on: SeminarteilnehmerInnen setzen frisch erworbene Kenntnisse an mobilen EEG-Systemen ein ©Karl-Philipp Maria Flösch
Hands on: SeminarteilnehmerInnen setzen frisch erworbene Kenntnisse an mobilen EEG-Systemen ein ©Karl-Philipp Maria Flösch

Our Courses

Our main areas of teaching are:

- Biological Psychology

- Neuroanatomy

- Experimental Practicum

- Neuroscientific Methods and Data Processing

- Social, affective, cognitive neuroscience

Bild zeigt Buchstabenwürfel, die das Wort JOBS darstellen

Open Positions

Currently, we have no positions advertised.

However, feel free to send applications for student assistant positions or research internships at any time via email to the office. Which email should be provided? Please attach the usual documents in a single PDF (motivation letter, CV, grade transcript, and, if applicable, certificates).


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